Little Rann of Kutch is a unique place on earth with endless opportunity to explore. With numerous places to visit one can experience something they have never experienced before! The desolate, blindingly white land of Little Rann is nature at its harshest and most convincing. It is also home to India’s last refuge population of Khur – Asiatic wild ass and for it is for the conservation of Khur, that this has been declared as the “Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary”.

The wildlife sanctuary of Little Rann of Kutch is a wide-spread saline desert and has arid grasslands, rocky and thorn scrubs and lakes and marshes to add its rich biodiversity. Water birds like cranes, ducks, pelicans, flamingoes and land birds like sand grouse, frankolins and the Indian bustards are found in abundance here at the Rann of Kutch which make it one of the offbeat destinations in India.